Taking that first step. That first step which may or may not define our entire lives (no pressure there).
That first step which leads to a life of new and amazing opportunities or can also lead to a less-than-stellar place in the world.
But the most important things in life aren’t always things.
Most of the things in our lives happen unplanned. That may lead to screaming and shouting or a sharp right from the smooth, calibrated path of our plans, but change is a necessity. These unplanned moments play a big role in defining our lives. I can confidently say this from experience, from when I started my journey of language learning back in 2004 to this very moment when I’m typing this on my laptop. I believe my encounters with the light and shadow of language learning- no, that just sound wrong- shall help you when you take that first step, THAT step: It’s when you decide you want to learn a language. (It also be something completely mundane, you know, like fire swallowing or extreme water skiing – I won’t judge)
A conscious thought of knowing a foreign language is like half way through the journey. This thought is always accompanied by various reasons for the same. Of course, they would change in individual scenarios, but initiating the thought is crucial.
My agenda, like most of us would have, was to learn the language German then, because it would eventually help in the long run. That was a very necessary skill to know when I was living in Germany. So, the next step was to make plan towards language learning.
Back then online learning wasn’t really considered as an option and to be honest, there weren’t as many options as today. I enrolled myself at Volkshochschule (basically an adult high school) in Munich for German G1 (Level 1). Never had I ever thought, that the day 1 of the course, would change my entire thought process, which would significantly change my future, with respect to my professional life. When I completed the class and was on my way back home, I was convinced I wanted to learn this language. Not just level 1, the entirety of German!
When I was analysing what actually made me think that, I was pleasantly surprised.
Let me share those thoughts with you. Language learning wasn’t anywhere close to any of my academic subjects, majorly what we learnt in our Engineering curriculum. It was about connecting with other course participants, much like connecting with our friends or acquaintances, talking about ourselves, our life, family and so much more, all through German. And the fact that our language trainer was one of us, caused a shift in our dynamic. We could relate with him, talk to him like a friend and yet maintain a respect level. We confided in him. That was important. He wasn’t really making or forcing us to learn the language rather he was inspiring us to learn. That caused a complete turnabout in my thought process and convinced me to incorporate language learning as an important part of my life.
I’m happy I wasn’t wrong in my conviction. I’m happy that I get to be here, with all of you.
We’ll continue on this journey in my next post while I cackle gleefully for making sweat over our next topic of conversation.
Bis Dann (Until then),
Hitixa Vora
It’s so amazing and simply explained, there are no boundaries to knowledge.