Different Countries but Similar Culture
- May 15, 2023
- Posted by: Hitixa Vora
- Category: Languages
In many of my previous blogs, I have already mentioned distinct features of German culture. Today however I want to talk about a couple of them, which though distinct, yet seem to be so much known to us.
This has been particularly evident to me during this time of year – May – when in Mumbai we are soaked in sweat and sun is at its best brilliance, when summers are so unbearable and at the same time desirable – for the love of mangoes. Truly in every form. How nostalgic is the aroma of freshly made grandma’s pickles. It’s indeed the flavour of the season.
This time of the year also takes me back to Germany, which brings back the memories of strawberry season, when we used to go strawberry picking. The best part was of course relishing them, while you filled your basket. And later how we used to get recipes from Omas (grandmas) for strawberry jams and how lovingly they helped us out.
In fact, during one such occasion, my neighbour, who was an Oma, in her early 70s, actually came over to my place and explained me the entire recipe of making Erdbeermarmelade (strawberry jam), in German of course and how much we enjoyed simply talking about our countries and their cultures.
Fruit may differ according to geographical terrain, but the traditions are similarly rooted and which help us connect with cultures.
This applies to languages as well. The script, the pronunciations, and grammar may vary, however they help connect us at the same level.
Equally it is true about our ‘Tea and Snacks’ culture, their ‘Kaffee und Kuchen’ (Coffee with cake). On deeper understanding it makes so much sense! Tea with sugar is complemented with spicy snacks and Coffee without sugar goes the best with a pastry. This snack time meal is so distinguishing in itself, yet feels so familiar.
We all finally belong to this same world, where we live each other’s culture and traditions and expand our horizons. Language is just a catalyst to this process.
Enjoy your coffee!
Bis bald
Hitixa Vora