And we are merely the players. True that, we thought of creating the same stage, with a modification and present the it in different languages.
It was indeed a milestone moment when few of our students put up an incredible stage performance in the form of skits, poems, songs, speeches and dance in not one, but five foreign languages – German, French, Spanish, Japanese and English.
It brought in some freshness with its unique nature to traditional method of language learning. It was indeed much liked by the students, parents and the audience who witnessed it.
In today’s AI world we are probably losing out on human involvement.
Certainly AI tools, when used correctly can aid language learning process. Here I would like to specify the benefits of implementing AI tools, for e.g. language learning applications, digital translators used in specific areas and few more, can boost the learning process.
However AI tools can not replace a human teacher. Language can be best learnt under the correct guidance of a teacher, who teaches not only the curriculum and cultural aspect of the language, but also brings in humour, friendliness and fun along, which makes the learning not mere LEARNING but an EXPERIENCE.
It’s perhaps important to understand that language learning is not a mechanical process, that follows a defined algorithm. It is human ability to speak a new language, feel it, pour emotions in it, immerse in it, because it comes from within us and not from an external device, which can be switched on and off.
Through this blog I would like to convey to all those who are already learning a language or those who would be starting soon, to not let machine tools overpower your brain. Your grey cells are superior to any AI tool and only they can bring uniqueness to your being.
Let AI aid you and not replace you in this journey of language learning.
Feel the magic of the language!
Schönen Dezember
Hitixa Vora