Role of a teacher in learning a language
- July 23, 2024
- Posted by: Hitixa Vora
- Category: Languages
I am inspired to write this blog on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima. in Hindi, Guru is a teacher and Guru Poornima is the day of full-moon, when disciples pay their respects and gratitude to their Gurus, who have guided them on their journey of learning. Disciples seek blessings from Gurus.
At this moment, I am a Guru to many, but before I became a Guru, there were and are many Gurus in my life, who have not only helped me gain knowledge and wisdom, I was seeking, but also helped me define myself. Each one of us have had some pleasant and some not so pleasant experiences with our Gurus. But with time, I have realised only one thing – what actually counts are only experiences. Good or ugly are labels we prefer to give in out physical reality. Every experience can be interpreted differently by individuals, only if we would interpret them as blessings in disguise.
Diverting the message back to language learning, we always need a teacher or a mentor, to guide us climb the ladder of language learning. They would support us at times when climbing can be difficult or would be there to help us when we miss a step.
In our virtual world, where anything and everything, is just a click away, yet really not accessible – only a teacher in person can help you walk through the learning.
It won’t be a sin to ditch AI or ChatGPT, and instead go to a classroom, pick up a pen, open your newly bought note-book, let the smell of those unopened pages of the textbook, engulf you, and when you feel these – get ready to learn a new language in its real sense, with your Guru!
Once again best wishes on Guru Poornima!
Viel Spaß!
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Hitixa Vora